Applying Insect Repellents Properly
Repellents applied to the skin should always be used properly to ensure they are as effective as possible. Apply a thin layer over all exposed skin. To apply to the face, spray first onto your hands then dab onto your face, avoiding the eyes, mouth and forehead (as it may run into your eyes). Wash your hands well afterwards. Ideally, people should be wearing long sleeves and trousers when there is a danger of mosquito borner diseases, so covering up at dusk is important as that when the mosquitoes carrying malaria are around. It is less pracical to cover up during the day, but mosquitoes do tend to be more active in the cooler parts of the day.
Children & Pregnant Women
Insect repellents can be used safely on children over 2 months of age and by pregnant women. DEET is absorbed into the body, however various studies have shown it does not harm the baby or cause any defects when used correctly.
Mosquito & Insect Repellents
- Applied repellent
- Normal conditions every 4-5 hours
- Humid conditions every 1-2 hours
- 100ml of DEET is usually enough for 1 person for 2 weeks

Alternatives to DEET
- Applied repellent
- Normal conditions every 4-5 hours
- Humid conditions every 1-2 hours
- 100ml of DEET is usually enough for 1 person for 2 weeks

Contact Killers
Clothing Treatment
- Works very effectively in conjunction with skin applied repellents.
- Lasts for 2 weeks before retreatment is needed
- Ensure application to cuffs and collars, any clothing which will be next to exposed skin

Mosquito Coils
- These are very effective for keeping insects away from you outside
- Can be used to smoke out a room before sleeping
- Will burn for 5-7 hours (unless you snap off a smaller chunk)

Mosquito Net Treatment
- Protects you in your net even if there is a hole or you are touching the net when sleeping.
- Reapplication: frequent handling, every 6 weeks. Static use, every 3 months
- Always retreat nets after they have been washed

- Good for clearing rooms where there is a reliable electricity supply