Nomad had a brilliant time at Heathrow airport this week, working alongside friends from arctec at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). We were there to support LSHTM in their Bug Off 2015 campaign – which aims to educate the public on the importance of protecting themselves from insect bites when travelling abroad. The campaign also aims to dispel many myths surrounding insect repellents and other ways to protect against bites.
Travel health nurses from Nomad joined the team from LSHTM to give out free travel health advice to passengers, soon to embark on their adventures abroad. It was great to give passengers a final reminder of the importance of staying healthy whilst abroad. The day was spent chatting to excited passengers about where they were travelling to and to supply them with advice including food and water hygiene, travellers’ diarrhoea, Malaria, Dengue fever and Chikungunya to mention just a few! We handed out literature about staying healthy and answered many questions and concerns travellers had about their trip.
It was strange to be in departures lounge and not travelling anywhere, but great to be out and about chatting to the public just before they were about to board their plane. Hopefully our last minute advice will prove beneficial to these travellers and help ensure that they have a safe and healthy trip abroad!
It was fantastic to work with arctec at LSHTM on this campaign. You can read what they had to say about the day here:

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